UV Vodka

About UV Vodka
UV Vodka is distilled by the Phillips Distilling Company based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. UV vodka is distilled 4 times from Midwestern corn and filtered through activated carbon.
UV was one of seven vodkas to win a prestigious double gold medal at the San Francisco Spirits Competition in 2009. UV is one of the fastest growing vodka brands in the United States, boasting 6 years of double digit growth.
Editor’s Review
Let’s start with the positives about UV… Priced about about $12/liter it’s a relatively inexpensive vodka. I also really like the UV bottle, which looks good behind the bar, especially when lined up next to one of the many UV flavored vodkas. UV also has a cool web site (
Unfortunately, this company is better marketing than they are at making vodka. As much as I wanted it to be, UV vodka just isn’t very good. We found that UV has a hard alcohol taste to it, even more so than many bottom shelf brands. This was one of the few vodkas that made me wince going down. Our other testers agreed that there was a significant amount of burn. UV also left an unpleasant aftertaste resulting in a very low finish score.
The bottom line is that based on the quality of the vodka, UV isn’t worth the extra few dollars it costs to upgrade from a bottom shelf brand like Taaka or McCormicks.
Despite controversy, Ciroc takes top vodka honor The vodka results are in and of the 25 vodkas tested by the testers at PickALiquor, Ciroc vodka comes out on top
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